It is this the combined climate risk of this three-faced threat that puts African life and development in such danger, perhaps if only one of these problems was occurring it could be dealt with. Although I've posted it previously, this IPCC summary clearly illustrates what Africa is up against.
To aid Africa the developed world must try and keep climate change to a minimum through lowering emissions and provide help to increase Africa's adaptability. Having established the problem, I will now post about how Africa might look to deal with the issue.
The three-faced threat is valid - however there are African regions in which climate change is predicted to increase renewable freshwater too! Maybe have a look at Taylor et al (2013) paper, which explains how recharge in this basin is dependent on high-intensity rainfall events. These events are expected to increase in frequency through the intensification of the hydrological cycle , thus benefiting this renewable freshwater resource.
ReplyDeleteYes I saw that on your blog. Really interesting point, I've tried to make it throughout my blog but perhaps forgot on this post, that SSA is incredibly diverse. I might right a piece on the potential benefits on water supply from climate change, thanks!